Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina (1982), she is a Modern Abstract
Artist whose passion and emotion towards the power of mother
nature appear in her art in different stages, from vibrant turquoise
to intense blues that reflect her passion for the sea and the union
of oceans from different continents.
Her creativity stems from her roots. Born in Buenos Aires and raised,
in part, in Punta del Este, her favorite place in the world, she arrived
in Almeria, Spain, where she studied Fine Arts and today lives
happily with her husband and children in a small coastal town
called Aguadulce, her life by the sea provides the inspiration and
calm she needs to face her work and her continuous travels.
Since the beginning of this journey, she has had the unconditional
support and collaboration of many prestigious people in the art world, media and large multinationals that have managed to capture the soul of this artist, her energetic personality is contagious to anyone who wants to be part of her world and cultural projects. Generous when it comes to getting involved in different causes of social and environmental responsibility where we will always see her committed.
Galleries, collectors, public organizations, are just some of the entities that have shown special interest in the works of art of this young artist.
With a strong market in Spain, Argentina, Uruguay, Singapore, New York, Miami, Thailand and Turkey, among others.
Her completely spontaneous and original art, generate in the viewer to analyze it, find the calm and relaxation that she generates painting it and awakening a world of images and different meanings depending on the point from which you look at them.
Her series Mareas (Tides) is one of the most outstanding, with vibrant blue tones and movements that introduce you as if you were inside the sea and the waters.
Sea and waters, seeks to raise public awareness in the care of water and the environment, reason that has been related to broad cultural and governmental sectors in different parts of the world.
"That each spectator can interpret that the purpose of this painting, of this painting, is that we become aware of our waters, confirms to me that through painting we can communicate without obstacles to the most diverse ages, languages and cultures, it is a power that gives art that has no limits.
Therefore, these exhibitions will take place around the world, Spain, Argentina, Uruguay, USA, Dominican Republic, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand or Turkey, among others, and will be part of a journey to highlight, through art, the importance of bringing together different cultures to unite in a single cause.